30 Day Makeup Challenge Day 2

How did you learn to put on makeup?

I went to YouTube University.

As mentioned in my Day 1 post, the women in my life could care less about makeup so I didn’t have anyone to teach me the ins and outs of makeup including how to apply. I originally got introduced to YouTube because I decided to go natural and was in search of natural hair tutorials. The same time I started going natural and looking for help on hair styles and products, makeup gurus started blowing up in popularity. After I would watch a natural hair video, a makeup video would pop up as recommended in my feed. Watching those makeup videos helped me gain confidence and made me realize that it’s just makeup! I don’t have to be perfect. If I mess up, guess what? It washes off.


  1. Brittney Ross

    Same! YouTube University was my saving grace! I was a competitive dancer for YEARS growing up so I was familiar with makeup but not in a way that didn’t make me look like a clown. lol. I love this tag, it’s so fun! xo

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